Periodontitis – Signs, Risks, and Treatment

Periodontitis is an infection in the gum tissue. Most people have heard the term “gingivitis,” which describes the early stage of periodontal disease. Untreated gingivitis will develop into periodontitis.

If left untreated, periodontitis will progress to include chronic bad breath (“halitosis”), gums that begin to pull back from the teeth and become more sensitive, increased sensitivity in the teeth, and larger spaces between the teeth. At this stage, patients can also begin to experience bone loss, which is very difficult to notice until it has progressed to the point that teeth become loose. We can detect this though, by taking x-rays and examining what is happening below the gums.

At its most severe, periodontitis becomes so advanced that the pockets between the teeth fill with pus. Harmful bacteria are rampant at this stage, which can lead to other conditions throughout the body. In its advanced stage, bone loss becomes more substantial, and teeth can feel loose. Teeth also become very sensitive to heat and cold, and patients may feel pain when brushing.

What Happens if Not Treated

Ultimately, if periodontitis is left unchecked, teeth cannot survive. Gums protect teeth just like skin protects our muscles and bones. When the gums are compromised, the bone structure begins to suffer, and teeth become loose. Without the proper support, the root system is likely to become infected as well. If the periodontitis is not controlled, the teeth will need to be removed.

Periodontitis and the Rest of the Body

It is important to note that periodontitis does not just affect the mouth. Rather, harmful bacteria harbored in the mouth can easily get into other systems of the body. Major health issues—including heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia, and even premature births—have all been linked to the presence of periodontal disease. Therefore, it is important to take care of your teeth not just for the sake of your mouth or how you look, but for your entire well-being.

How to Prevent Periodontitis

Periodontitis is completely preventable with proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. This is great news, considering how detrimental to your overall health periodontal disease can be. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends everyone receive exams and cleanings twice per year, that everyone brushes their teeth at least twice per day, and that everyone flosses once per day. If you are currently overdue for a dental exam, call your dentist to schedule soon, so you do not let a small issue become a large one.

If You Suspect You Have Periodontitis

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of periodontal disease described above, the best thing you can do is to schedule an appointment so we can complete a thorough exam. Don’t worry if it’s been awhile since your last appointment—our concern is with making sure you are healthy, and in helping you get back to full function.

The further periodontal disease progresses, the more difficult the treatment. We also become more limited in what we can do to restore function once teeth are lost. Fortunately, technology continues to evolve, and we can now treat even very difficult cases of periodontitis with LANAP® laser therapy. This revolutionary laser removes damaged tissue without disturbing healthy tissue. It also creates a healing environment so bone and connective tissue can actually re-grow, reversing the effects of the disease.

Free LANAP Consultation – Call Today!
(281) 947-2266

If you’re ready to treat your gum disease with the most advanced laser treatment available, you’ve come to the right place. If you have any questions about gum disease, LANAP® treatment, or are ready to schedule an appointment with your Houston dentist– Dr. Dassani at Dassani Dentistry – give us a call today at (281) 947-2266.