LANAP® Laser Gum Therapy
in Houston

Dr. Meghna Dassani, DMD
Highly Experienced and Certified LANAP Dentist

Did you know gum disease is the #1 cause of tooth loss? With nearly half the adults in the US suffering from some form of gum disease, many people are at risk, even if they don’t yet have clear symptoms of a problem.

Too often, patients report sensitive or bleeding gums, not realizing how serious their underlying problem is. Some patients are embarrassed about their appearance because of the effects gum disease is having on their teeth and gums, which in turn impacts self esteem. We often hear from patients that they didn’t know what to do, or that they were afraid of having to go through painful treatment.

Without proper treatment, teeth are at risk for more severe issues. Fortunately, gum disease is preventable and treatable. At Dassani Dentistry, we want to help patients keep their natural teeth and reverse the conditions that can cause embarrassment, discomfort, and ultimately serious health conditions. We are proud to offer the latest in technological advances to help our patients reverse gum disease and bone loss with the LANAP® laser treatment.

Free LANAP Consultation – Call Now
(281) 947-2266

What is LANAP®?

periodontitisLANAP® stands for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Protocol. With the LANAP® laser treatment, we are now able to painlessly remove diseased tissue and create a natural healing environment for your body to regenerate healthy bone and tissue. Prior to LANAP®, our only option in this scenario was to surgically cut out the bad tissue and use sutures to reattach the healthy tissue. Recovery time was longer, and the overall process was anything but pleasant for the patient.

LANAP Houston

How it Works

LANAP®’s laser is thin enough to get between the teeth and gum tissue. The laser selectively removes only the diseased tissue, leaving healthy tissue intact. As it removes the diseased tissue, it also kills bacteria growing in these areas. The laser stimulates new tissue growth and regeneration of bone and supporting structures. Because it is so selective, it can remove the disease with little impact to the patient’s smile aesthetics. This is contrary to traditional surgical techniques that altered the look of the patient’s gums. Patients have a more positive experience, with little discomfort during the procedure, and a faster recovery time once we have completed treatment with the LANAP® laser.

LANAP at Dassani Dentistry

Dr. Dassani and her team have invested in this technology because we know how important it is to restore full oral health to patients who otherwise would have very few options. LANAP® is completely safe, and FDA-approved. Patients with moderate to severe periodontitis are likely to find success with this treatment. LANAP® does not interfere with any prescription medication, nor does it have any negative impact on preexisting health conditions.  LANAP®’s slogan, No Cut, No Sew, No Fear says it all. We have completed many hours of training to be able to offer this option to you. This treatment has revolutionized the way we approach gum disease, and we have already helped many patients save their teeth, restore lost bone structure, and revitalize their gum tissue.

Benefits to LANAP® over Traditional Surgical Techniques

Not only is LANAP® easier on the patient, but it is faster to perform, and it more successfully treats the underlying issues that come with periodontitis. Compared to traditional oral surgical options, LANAP® is:

  • Less invasive—no cutting, no sutures
  • More successful at regenerating healthy tissue and bone
  • More successful at leaving existing healthy tissue intact
  • Better at reversing the progression of gum disease
  • Less likely to cause pain, bleeding, or sensitivity following the procedure

Additionally, patients are at less risk for post-op infection, and they enjoy a faster healing time as compared to traditional surgical procedures. Patients report minimal discomfort during the procedure itself, as well as during the healing time period. This technology is truly revolutionizing how we can treat periodontal disease.

LANAP at Dassani Dental

Symptoms of Periodontitis

Patients often ask how to tell if they are at risk for tooth loss. Periodontitis, or gum disease, can present as red or swollen gums, or gums that bleed easily—sometimes even just when brushing your teeth, or with flossing. As periodontitis progresses, symptoms become more obvious, and include:

  • Gums that are pulling away from the teeth
  • Larger spacing between teeth
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Loosening teeth
  • Difficulty chewing

The earliest stage of periodontitis is what many people think of as gingivitis: inflamed gums, and bleeding when flossing. As the disease progresses, however, the symptoms become more pronounced and severe. In advanced stages of periodontitis, pockets form between the teeth and the gums, and bacteria grow and multiply, causing the symptoms listed above. These pockets can become quite large, and fill with pus. The root structures themselves can also become at risk of infection, leading to additional sensitivity, discomfort, and inflammation.

Risks of Untreated Periodontitis

Patients experiencing any of these symptoms need to be seen by their dentist immediately. The risks of untreated periodontitis are potentially very great. As the gums begin to recede, or pull away from the teeth, we see a higher risk of infection. When the bone itself starts to decay, the tooth become loose, and options for correcting this are limited. Typically, many patients found they were losing their teeth, and by the time they were ready to seek treatment, the options were few. Teeth replacement options like dental implants are not successful without the proper amount of bone to anchor the implant posts. Dentures are a last resort, because they are uncomfortable, and they do not have the same feel as natural teeth. We try to prevent patients from having to take this route if at all possible. The costs associated with all of these options can be extensive, as well. Whenever possible, we want to save the natural teeth, rather than wait until the patient is out of options.

Many people do not realize that periodontal disease can also spread to the rest of the body. Severe, untreated periodontitis can cause:

  • Heart attacks
  • Heart disease
  • Strokes
  • Kidney disease
  • Dementia
  • Head and neck cancers
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Premature births

The mouth truly is the gateway to the rest of the body. Proper oral hygiene can set you up for great overall health. If left untreated, gum disease can be just the beginning of many serious health issues down the road.

The Good News

The good news is all of this is preventable—and reversible. With consistent dental care, and good oral hygiene habits at home, gum disease will not have a chance to get started. For patients in the early stages of gum disease, a more frequent program of deep cleanings will usually get periodontitis under control. And for those with more severe cases, the LANAP® Laser can not only stop your periodontitis in its tracks, but it can regenerate healthy tissue and bone and restore your oral health. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Having a healthy mouth not only boosts confidence, but it sets the tone for the health of the rest of your body.

If you are ready to treat your gum disease with the most advanced procedure available today, or if you have more questions about how LANAP® can help you, call our office today at (281) 947-2266 to schedule a consultation. We want to work with you to get you back on track, and feeling great from the inside out.


  • Monday:8am – 5pm
  • Tuesday:8am – 5pm
  • Wednesday:8am – 5pm
  • Thursday:8am – 5pm
  • Friday:Appointment only


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Free LANAP Consultation – Call Today!
(281) 947-2266

If you’re ready to treat your gum disease with the most advanced laser treatment available, you’ve come to the right place. If you have any questions about gum disease, LANAP® treatment, or are ready to schedule an appointment with your Houston dentist– Dr. Dassani at Dassani Dentistry – give us a call today at (281) 947-2266.